PowerBI, Fabric & AI : Analytics to Grow, Convince & Inspire

How can you create the most value with Microsoft’s new AI Copilot, Fabric & PowerBI SaaS? Add ChatGPT for relevant content and DALL-E for engaging images and you have the perfect mix to: Join us for a live demo with Michel Aebischer, an analytics enthusiast for over 15 years. Michel has worked with global consulting firms initially before creating his own startup in the field. Excerpts available >here<

Financial Forecasting with PowerBI

PowerBI is great for visualizing complex data and how they interact as an ecosystem. Did you know you can also enter your own data, add #AI forecasts, play with different scenarios, and see live the impact on your business ? Join us at the next #PowerBI User Group to make the best forecasts with the magic of PowerBI. [Click for the video]

Facts don’t lie

Facts don’t lie 2021. The year of AI. Conversational Bots. Smart targeted ads. Real-time employee satisfaction monitoring. In 2021, how do you make business decisions ? How do you steer your company, your business line ? Do you “feel” and “somehow know” ? Or do you measure and use facts to drive and transform your company, as only 31% of European companies do (Gartner) ? Join us to see how to define your path for success. How to measure your progress, your fitness.  How to ensure your growth. Excerpts available > here < Les faits ne mentent pas. 2021. Année […]

Business Intelligence 2020 –> 2025

Cloud Computing, Intelligence Artificielle, Bases de données In-Memory, Analyses Prédictives, Transformation Digitale, Data Lakes, … Beaucoup de Buzzword à la mode prétendent révolutionner la Business Intelligence. Effet de mode, ou réponse à un besoin réel ? Quelles sont les technologies avec les meilleurs promesses de retour sur investissement ? Et à quel horizon ? Pour quel type de besoin, quelle industrie, quelle taille de société ? Démo de solutions (SAP HANA & SAP Analytics Cloud) & tour d’horizon des thématique majeures, analyse de leur pertinence, retour d’expérience sur les projets en cours en Suisse Romande. Extraits choisis > ici <